These include electrowelded mesh, wire mesh, hexagonal mesh, coated wire mesh and others. Each offers different benefits for crop growers and, therefore, it is important to know their differences before choosing the right one for a given situation.
Electrowelded mesh is the most commonly used mesh for trellising agricultural crops. It is made from galvanized wire coated with a layer of metal powder to improve its resistance to corrosion. It is lightweight and easy to handle, making it ideal for many different applications, such as thickets, or simply to cover a plot for security. This netting comes in various widths and wire sizes, which can be mixed and matched to meet an agricultural producer’s specific needs.
Wire mesh is an improved version of electrowelded mesh, and its main advantage is its resistance to corrosion. It is coated with a metal powder coating, which makes it resistant to weathering and any sudden changes in the weather. The two main differences between wire mesh and electrowelded mesh are corrosion resistance and wire sizes. Wire mesh is thicker and stronger, and is available in multiple different sizes to suit the various uses for which it is used.
Hexagonal mesh is primarily used to contain small objects such as small shrubs and weeds. It is made of galvanized steel wire, making it very strong and reliable. The lengths and widths of the mesh will also vary according to the producer, as well as the size of the holes between the knots or latches. This mesh is generally used where special contouring is needed, such as edges and contours.

Why is trellis netting better than other methods?
Plastic trellis netting is one of the best options for tomato and cucumber growers. This netting is made of strong plastic, with optimum fabric density for cultivation purposes. This netting is installed between the wire rails as part of the support structure. It provides the necessary support for the plants and is fitted to the rails to support them and prevent them from rubbing against the ground, ensuring that they remain well aligned to receive the light to optimize growth.
It has proven to be an excellent choice for optimizing the cultivation of tomatoes and cucumbers. The great advantage of this netting is the ease with which it is installed and adapts to any existing structure giving strong support for the crops. This netting is exceptionally weather resistant to wind, sun, rain and snow, and its durability maximizes long-term cost savings.
It also allows access to sunlight, which translates into improved disease and pest resistance, as plants receive the sunlight exposure time needed to grow properly. This netting is also excellent for minimizing the risk of shocks and impacts when handling crops. In addition, plastic trellis netting serves as an excellent tool for controlling plant growth. The netting stretches around oversized plants to control their growth to a normal, balanced size. This translates into higher productivity for harvesting and better presentation for marketing. Therefore, it is an excellent tool for growers.
The reasons why plastic trellis netting is the best choice for growing tomatoes and cucumbers are: weather resistance, ease of installation, adaptability, sunlight control to prevent diseases and pests, and control of excessive growth. This translates into higher productivity and long-term benefits for growers.

Disadvantages of using raffia and traditional methods
In recent years, vegetable trellising has grown in popularity as a result of the increased use of raffia as a trellising material. Raffia is a flexible, wear-resistant and environmentally friendly material that has been used for centuries for trellising purposes. Although raffia offers some advantages for this purpose, there are also disadvantages that farmers and other growers should consider before deciding to use it.
One of the main disadvantages of using raffia for vegetable trellising is the fact that it is often more expensive than other trellising materials. This means that growers will have to pay more for the material, which can lower profit margins. Raffia is also less durable than other stronger trellising materials, such as wire or wood. Wire and wood can be a cheaper and more durable alternative for vegetable trellising.
Raffia is also often affected by inclement weather. In extreme climates, such as those in many rural regions, raffia can be damaged. Because raffia can be easily damaged, growers can’t help but worry about its stability, which means they must provide additional maintenance. This can also increase the time needed to maintain the trellis.
Raffia does not offer the same strength and weather resistance as other materials. This means that the stability of the trellis can be affected by wind and rain, as the trellis does not offer the same support. The fact that raffia is flexible also means that it cannot support plants that are too large. This means that farmers often have to resort to traditional trellising methods to protect the crop. In addition, it cannot be easily recycled. This means that growers will have to discard the material after each harvest, which can result in unnecessary waste of resources.