Cucumber cultivation is one of the most popular agricultural activities in many parts of the world. Unfortunately, it is also vulnerable to pests, diseases and fungi, which can diminish the quality and quantity of the bunches produced.
Fungi and pests of cucumber crops are common and can cause significant fruit damage if not identified and treated in time. In this article we present a guide to effectively treat a cucumber crop infested with fungi or pests. The first step in treating a cucumber crop infested with fungi or pests is to accurately identify the type of pests or fungi present. This can be done by observing the cucumbers carefully for any presence of insects. White or brown spots, or hairs on the stems and foliage. If the presence of fungi is confirmed, it is necessary to examine the eggs to identify the species present. If no eggs are present, a laboratory culture is recommended to determine the source of infection. By identifying the species causing the infestation, it will be easier to take corrective measures to control it.

Once the species affecting the crop has been identified. It is advisable to remove the affected fruit and destroy the infected foliage and stems. This action should be carried out in a responsible manner and without causing damage to healthy fruit. It is important to understand that fungi are spread through plant debris and in the soil, therefore great care should be taken when handling debris to avoid spreading the infection. If possible, wear gloves when handling waste and dispose of it through an appropriate waste collection service.
On the other hand. Once the infected fruits have been discarded, specific products for the treatment of fungi or pests should be applied. These products can be purchased in the market and depend on the type of disease or fungus present in the crop. The most effective products to treat fungi are fungicides and herbicides. Which are used according to the recommendations given by the manufacturer on the label. Special attention should be paid to the use of pesticides, as some can be harmful to crops and the environment. Therefore, it is always recommended to follow label instructions to avoid over-application of pesticides.
In addition, it is important to properly disinfect the soil before replanting the crop. Specific fungicides can be used to eliminate fungi, as well as cultures of beneficial microorganisms to overcome the infestation. Insecticides are another option to control insects that cause damage to cucumber crops. We must also consider maintaining a good state of hygiene. Such as maintaining adequate cleanliness around the crop to prevent contamination. The use of organic aggregates in storage also contributes to improve the state of hygiene, since organic wastes such as leaves and vegetable matter allow increasing the texture and fertility of the soil.
Effective treatment of a cucumber crop infested with fungi or pests requires the use of specific products. In addition to the adoption of appropriate hygienic practices. Maintaining a good state of hygiene will also help to prevent infestation and enjoy a good quality cucumber crop.
Cucumbers are one of the most popular vegetables, as they can be eaten raw, cooked or in salad form. They are usually grown in parks and orchards, although it is also possible to find them in greenhouses. Due to its versatility, versatility and easy accessibility, its cultivation is very common. However, this crop has its disadvantages and the main ones are due to diseases such as fungus or rust. These diseases can be very destructive to cucumber crops and, if not treated, can cause significant crop damage.

The fungus is a microscopic organism, which reproduces and develops inside the fruit. Infested fruits become darker in color as the fungus develops, and their texture becomes softer. More sensitive and can be easily passed from one fruit to another. This disease directly affects the cucumber crop. As the crop can lose yield, quality and the original flavor of the fruit. Significant economic losses can also occur; in addition, stunted, affected and deformed fruit can damage entire areas, fields and equipment.
In addition, the fungus can be transmitted through water and other means, as well as from one infested area to another. Therefore, it is important to control the spread of this disease. Which means carrying out the necessary treatments to control populations. This prevents damage to fields and ensures that production does not deteriorate.
On the other hand, attention must be paid to harvest time, since fruit affected by the fungus should not be marketed in order to preserve the quality and flavor of the crop. If fruit affected by the fungus is consumed, the health benefits of cucumbers may be lost, which would damage the local economy. The health of farmers and the quality of local production, therefore, it is imperative to identify fields infected by the fungus and take drastic measures to prevent its spread.
This disease can be prevented with good agricultural practice, using correct crop management, liquidating weeds, controlling pests and diseases, rotating the crop and keeping irrigation equipment clean. It is also advisable to use chemical treatments or use fungicidal substances. Such as hypalon, mancozeb or morphine, all of which are permitted by the Ministry of Health. These treatments should be carried out with a certain frequency. So that the fruit can be produced without risk of fungus.
It is important to remember that the appearance of diseases in crops is unpredictable and requires prevention and constant treatments to avoid major damage. If an infected crop is observed, immediate action must be taken to prevent the spread of the disease. Acting as soon as possible will save the crop and ensure good cucumber production and better quality.
How to prevent infestation of a cucumber crop with trellis netting.
Pest infestation in cucumber crops is one of the most significant challenges faced by growers. While there are numerous methods that can be implemented to control pests, the use of trellis netting is one of the best solutions. Trellis netting is generally a strong plastic fabric specially manufactured to prevent pests from entering crops. This netting comprises a strong structure specifically designed to cover a plot of land. Allowing air flow and keeping crops free of pests.
Growers must determine the proper location of the crop. This means choosing a location close to any trees, shrubs or other plants susceptible to infestation. Secondly, the trellising netting must be installed correctly to ensure it functions properly. This means ensuring that it extends over the entire plot and does not have any openings that would allow pests to enter. Once it is all set up, the trellis netting should be fenced around the entire cucumber plantation to ensure plaque control.

In addition, actions such as performing proper crop rotation. Implementing chemical agonization (SIBIA) in infested areas, and using pheromone releasers can help reduce the presence of pests in cucumber crops. The cucumber crop must make good use of these tools in order to control any pest infestation. Another effective method to reduce pest infestation in cucumber crops is to maintain good cleanliness in the plantation. This means harvesting crops daily or at least every other day to prevent pests from accumulating. In addition, frequent field maintenance removes plant debris and weeds and keeps the location clean at all times.
To conclude, applying a trellising mesh solution to cucumber crops is one of the best methods to prevent pest infestation. This netting can be installed properly to ensure its good performance, and good field maintenance and crop rotation are also important to avoid pest infestation. When these methods are combined, growers can avoid significant pest damage to cucumber crops.